
Duurzaam design

Duurzaam design is een hot item en voor velen een belangrijke overweging bij de inrichting van hun huis of kantoor. Voor de meeste mensen en veel aanbieders van designproducten zit duurzaamheid hem in de gebruikte materialen. Sommige materialen zijn duurzaam, andere niet. Onder duurzame materialen verstaat men vooral organische, hernieuwbare… Read More

Eetkamerbankje tafel One

Eetkamerbankje Soms vragen klanten aan ons om een eetkamerbankje te ontwerpen voor bij de eettafel One. We hebben inmiddels 2 bankjes ontworpen! Eén met leuning en één zonder leuning. Onderstaand wat foto’s van bankjes die inmiddels bij de klant staan. De onderste tafel is overigens behandeld met Monocoat… Read More


RKNL is actief op Pinterest. Volg ons voor de laatste foto’s en bewaar ze op je borden.  Profiel RKNL Check hier ons profiel: pinterest.com/rknl… Read More

RKNL goes Manhattan

RKNL goes Manhattan We are thrilled to announce that RKNL and New York based Designlush have embarked on a collaborative partnership. RKNL goes Manhattan! Designlush was founded as a platform for showcasing the work of artists, architects and designers practicing the craft of fine furniture making. It is a leading… Read More

Interview Ronald Knol

Today, an interview with Ronald Knol was published in Daysign Magazine. I hope your Spanish is up to date… Ronald talked about his philosophy to ‘think global and act local’, his heroes and off course his furniture studio. Nice detail: the coffee table even made it to the cover. Read More

Bloggers become Brands

Bloggers become brands The online developments are going incredibly fast in the furniture line of business. Whereas the landscape of the furniture business was very clear until a few years ago (producers > wholesale > shops), new initiatives are popping up every day. We all know the design bloggers. RKNL… Read More

3D printed Coffee Table

3D printed Coffee Table Witness the first RKNL 3D printed Coffee Table! Developments in 3D printing go extremely fast, and we decided to have a model printed. Scale 1:10. 3D printing can be very useful for the development of future prototyping. Overall looks, balance and the ‘personality’ of a piece can… Read More

Dutch Design, Brooklyn Crafted

Dutch Design This fall, Dutch Design brand RKNL is planting roots in New York City. Resisting the wasteful trend of designing in one place, manufacturing in another and shipping to a third, RKNL has partnered with a Brooklyn based furniture manufacturer to create and deliver high quality furniture for American… Read More